Mirage - Gefährliche Lügen
Franck Philippon, Benedicte Charles, Olivier PouponneauSchauspieler:
Clive Standen, Marie-Josée Croze, Hannes JaenickeVor 15 Jahren verlor Claire ihren Ehemann Gabriel (Clive Standen) bei der Tsunami-Katastrophe in Thailand. Nun will sie in Abu Dhabi mit ihrem 15-jährigen Sohn Zack (Thomas Chomel) und ihrem neuen Ehemann Lukas (Hannes Jaenicke) ein neues Leben beginnen. Neben dem persönlichen Verlust musste Claire nämlich auch eine berufliche Katastrophe erleben. Unter ihrer Verantwortung ging der Probelauf in einem kasachischen Atomkraftwerk furchtbar schief. Es gab zahlreiche Tote, die sie zu verantworten hatte. Ihre berufliche Karriere war auf einen Schlag beendet.
Claire lost her husband Gabriel during the tsunami in 2004. His body was never found. 15 years later, Claire has a new life with Lukas and her son Zach. After a decade of mourning and professional purgatory, she has just landed a dream job in Abu Dhabi. One night, Claire is having dinner and sees Gabriel's reflection in a window. She tries to follow him, but he's already gone. The next day, she decides to search for him. When she discovers that Gabriel is indeed alive, it sets Claire on a course that will change her life forever.
Claire lost her husband Gabriel during the tsunami in 2004. His body was never found. 15 years later, Claire has a new life with Lukas and her son Zach. After a decade of mourning and professional purgatory, she has just landed a dream job in Abu Dhabi. One night, Claire is having dinner and sees Gabriel's reflection in a window. She tries to follow him, but he's already gone. The next day, she decides to search for him. When she discovers that Gabriel is indeed alive, it sets Claire on a course that will change her life forever.