Chuck Lorre, Eddie Gorodetsky, Gemma BakerSchauspieler:
Allison Janney, Anna Faris, Mimi Kennedy, Beth Hall, Jaime Pressly, Sadie Calvano, Blake Garrett Rosenthal, Matt L. Jones, Spencer Daniels, William Fichtner, Nathan Corddry, French StewartIn der US-Serie „Mom“ geht es um Frauen mit einer schwierigen Vergangenheit und deren generationsübergreifende Bemühungen, ihr Leben wieder in den Griff zu bekommen. Die Serie handelt von der allein erziehenden Mutter Christy (Anna Faris), die seit kurzer Zeit trocken ist, sich also von einem Alkoholproblem erholt. Nun versucht sie, ihr Leben im kalifornischen Napa Valley wieder in den Griff zu bekommen.
Christy arbeitet als Kellnerin in einem besseren Restaurant und hat zudem eine 16-jährige Tochter namens Violet (Sadie Calvano), die wie sie im Teenageralter schwanger wird. Allison Janney spielt Christys Mutter Bonnie, die ebenfalls Alkoholikerin ist und für diverse Probleme ihrer Tochter die Verantwortung tragen müsste. Bonnie stürzt sich aber viel lieber darauf, dass sie nun ebenfalls dem Alkohol abgeschworen hat und ihr damit ein Neuanfang zustünde. Matt L. Jones spielt Baxter. Er ist der Exmann von Christy und Vater ihres Sohnes Roscoe.
In weiteren Rollen zu sehen sind: Nathan Corddry als Christys Boss und verheirateter Lover; French Stewart als exzentrischer Koch; Spencer Daniels als Vater von Violets Baby; Blake Garrett Rosenthal als Roscoe.
Christy is a single mom who, after years of questionable choices, is now sober and trying to get her life on track. She's tested daily by her newly sober mother, Bonnie, who is trying to make up for all the ways she's let Christy down. Christy is further challenged by her relationships with her own kids. Her daughter Violet is engaged to a man twice her age and her ten-year-old son, Roscoe, would rather live with his father Baxter, a former slacker who has only recently gotten himself together. To help her stay sober, Christy relies on her support system from AA, comprised of her sponsor Marjorie, her wealthy sponsee, Jill, and her emotional friend, Wendy. Christy tries to remain positive as she attempts to overcome her past and build a better future, but with her dysfunctional family and life's many setbacks, it's always an uphill battle.
Christy is a single mom who, after years of questionable choices, is now sober and trying to get her life on track. She's tested daily by her newly sober mother, Bonnie, who is trying to make up for all the ways she's let Christy down. Christy is further challenged by her relationships with her own kids. Her daughter Violet is engaged to a man twice her age and her ten-year-old son, Roscoe, would rather live with his father Baxter, a former slacker who has only recently gotten himself together. To help her stay sober, Christy relies on her support system from AA, comprised of her sponsor Marjorie, her wealthy sponsee, Jill, and her emotional friend, Wendy. Christy tries to remain positive as she attempts to overcome her past and build a better future, but with her dysfunctional family and life's many setbacks, it's always an uphill battle.