Callie KhouriSchauspieler:
Jonathan Jackson, Hayden Panettiere, Charles Esten, Sam Palladio, Clare Bowen, Lennon Stella, Maisy Stella, Chris Carmack, Connie Britton, Eric Close, Will Chase, Aubrey Peeples, Oliver Hudson, Powers Boothe, Kaitlin Doubleday, Cameron ScogginsIn der US-Serie „Nashville“ geht es um die 40-jährige Rayna James (Connie Britton), die ihren Status als Countrystar im Laufe der Jahre eingebüßt hat. Folglich legt ihr das Plattenlabel nahe, mit der jungen und aufstrebenden Countrysensation Juliette Barnes (Hayden Panettiere, „Heroes“) auf Tour zu gehen - andernfalls wird ihre Tour gestrichen und die Promotion für ihr jüngstes Album fällt weg, das sich in den Plattenläden ohnehin schleppend verkauft.
Weitere Hauptrollen neben Britton und Panettiere spielen Eric Close („Without A Trace“, „Chaos“) als Raynas Ehemann, der nun vom Einkommen seiner Frau lebt und Jonathan Jackson („General Hospital“, „Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles“). Robert Wisdom („Happy Town“, „Burn Notice“) ergänzt in der Hauptrolle des charismatischen Bürgermeisterwahlkandidaten Coleman Caldwell den Cast.
Powers Boothe („Deadwood“, „24“) zog die Rolle des strengen Vaters einer Country-Sängerin an Land. Doch statt die Tochter zu unterstützen und vielleicht ein Stück von ihrem Erfolg zu genießen, stellt er sich gegen sie. Die Rolle der Figur Lamar Hampton wird als einflussreicher und kontrollierender Vater beschrieben, der die Karriere seiner Tochter Rayna nicht gutheißen möchte.
Nashville is set against the backdrop of the city's music scene and follows Rayna Jaymes and Juliette Barnes. Both women face personal and professional challenges as they navigate their paths as artists and individuals. Surrounding them, and often complicating their lives, are their family, friends and, in some cases, lovers, as well as the up-and-coming performers and songwriters trying to get ahead in the business. Music City can mean so many things to different people. In Nashville, musicians and songwriters are at the heart of the storm driven by their own ambitions. Some are fueled by their creativity and passion for fame. Others struggle to cope with the pressures of success and are doing everything in their power to stay on top.
Nashville is set against the backdrop of the city's music scene and follows Rayna Jaymes and Juliette Barnes. Both women face personal and professional challenges as they navigate their paths as artists and individuals. Surrounding them, and often complicating their lives, are their family, friends and, in some cases, lovers, as well as the up-and-coming performers and songwriters trying to get ahead in the business. Music City can mean so many things to different people. In Nashville, musicians and songwriters are at the heart of the storm driven by their own ambitions. Some are fueled by their creativity and passion for fame. Others struggle to cope with the pressures of success and are doing everything in their power to stay on top.