Nip/Tuck - Schönheit hat ihren Preis
Ryan MurphySchauspieler:
Kelly Carlson, Dylan Walsh, Julian McMahon, John Hensley, Roma Maffia, Joely Richardson, Bruno Campos, Valerie CruzNasen, Brüste, Hintern und jede Menge Kohle – Schönheitschirurg müsste man sein. Doch Nip/Tuck ist ein rabenschwarzer Ärztealbtraum vor der bonbonbunten Kulisse von Miami Beach. Eine Achterbahn aus Sex, Stil, Drogen und Gewalt.
"Nip/Tuck" provoziert mit Sex, Drogen, Geldgier, schönen Frauen und Beziehungskrisen und glänzt mit herausragenden Charakteren und Darstellern. Ein Skalpell und ein Köfferchen voller Botox-Spritzen immer griffbereit, leben die beiden Ärzte Sean McNamara (Dylan Walsh) und Christian Troy (Julian McMahon) im sonnigen Miami ihren Traum als Schönheitschirurgen mit einer eigenen Praxis. Doch wie so manche Silikoneinlage ist auch ihr Traum nicht von Dauer und droht zu zerplatzen: Geldgier und Moral, Models und trautes Heim wollen nicht immer zusammenpassen.
Two plastic surgeons who are close friends and business partners, own an overwhelmingly successful plastic surgery practice and attempt to bring inner peace and visceral contentment to their patients through external cosmetic procedures. Although their clients aspire to cover up their pain, it is the surgeons who truly wear the masks of anguish and unhappiness, sadness and disillusionment. For more than two decades, they have shared a love for the same woman, who despite being married to one, has loved both. And at midlife, the doctors question the prosperity that has brought them so much -- and has offered so little.
Two plastic surgeons who are close friends and business partners, own an overwhelmingly successful plastic surgery practice and attempt to bring inner peace and visceral contentment to their patients through external cosmetic procedures. Although their clients aspire to cover up their pain, it is the surgeons who truly wear the masks of anguish and unhappiness, sadness and disillusionment. For more than two decades, they have shared a love for the same woman, who despite being married to one, has loved both. And at midlife, the doctors question the prosperity that has brought them so much -- and has offered so little.