No Offence
Paul AbbottSchauspieler:
Paul Ritter, Neet Mohan, Alexandra Roach, Ste Johnston, Joanna Scanlan, Tom Varey, Saira Choudhry, Will Mellor, Elaine Cassidy, Charlie May-Clark, Colin Salmon, Sarah Solemani, Claudia Adshead, Rakie Ayola, Conor MacNeill, Zackary MomohIm Mittelpunkt der Serie steht ein unorthodoxes Polizeiteam in Manchester, das einen Serienkiller jagt. Angeführt wird es von gleich drei starken Frauen: der leicht überdrehten Vivienne Deering (Joanna Scanlan), der impulsiven Dinah Kowalska (Elaine Cassidy) und der erst kürzlich zum Sergeant beförderten Joy Freers (Alexandra Roach).
No Offence follows a team of cops in the heart of crime. This team of cops are tough but big-hearted who go above and beyond to bring down criminals. Set on one of the worst parts of town there is a demoralizing list of crimes: drug labs, arsonists, neo-Nazis and notorious murderers. These are just a days work for this team. However when a serial killer emerges it leaves the team and DI Vivienne Deering reeling. Joined by her right-hand women DC Dinah Kowlaska and DS Joy Freers they must crack the case by whatever means possible.
No Offence follows a team of cops in the heart of crime. This team of cops are tough but big-hearted who go above and beyond to bring down criminals. Set on one of the worst parts of town there is a demoralizing list of crimes: drug labs, arsonists, neo-Nazis and notorious murderers. These are just a days work for this team. However when a serial killer emerges it leaves the team and DI Vivienne Deering reeling. Joined by her right-hand women DC Dinah Kowlaska and DS Joy Freers they must crack the case by whatever means possible.