Artyom LitvinenkoSchauspieler:
Кирилл Кяро, Иван Оганесян, Нина Гогаева, Мария Аниканова, Николай Чиндяйкин, Агне ГрудитеEr ist der „Sniffer“ (Kirill Käro): ein Mensch, gesegnet mit einem exorbitanten Geruchssinn, dem nichts verborgen bleibt und der seine Fähigkeit dazu einsetzt, als Polizist Verbrechen aufzuklären.
They call him The Sniffer. He's the proud owner of an extraordinarily acute sense of smell. For our hero, there are no secrets and cold crimes, as he is ready to tell absolutely everything about any person from the first minute he meets him/her. But this gift has a hidden side: The Sniffer is absolutely defenseless to the world around. He does not know how to build relationships with people. You cannot make a surprise for him or deceive him, any foreign odor will scare him away from the most romantic date. He has a very complicated but interesting life...
They call him The Sniffer. He's the proud owner of an extraordinarily acute sense of smell. For our hero, there are no secrets and cold crimes, as he is ready to tell absolutely everything about any person from the first minute he meets him/her. But this gift has a hidden side: The Sniffer is absolutely defenseless to the world around. He does not know how to build relationships with people. You cannot make a surprise for him or deceive him, any foreign odor will scare him away from the most romantic date. He has a very complicated but interesting life...