One-Punch Man
Yûki Kaji, Katsuyuki Konishi, Minami Takayama, Yuji Ueda, Takahiro Sakurai, Yuji Ueda, Kenjiro Tsuda, Mamoru Miyano, Kazuhiro Yamaji, Kousuke Toriumi, Aoi Yūki, Satoshi Hino, Saori Hayami, Kaito Ishikawa, Masaya Onosaka, Makoto FurukawaDie Story findet in der fiktionalen japanischen Metropole "City Z" statt. Die Welt ist von Monster bedroht, die immer wieder unerwartet auftauchen und Unheil verursachen. Saitama, der Protagonist, ist ein starker Held, der all seine Gegner mit einem einzigen Schlag vernichtet. Durch seine übermäßigen Kräfte ist er jedoch gelangweilt und hofft, stärkere Gegner zu finden, die ihm einen richtigen Kampf liefern können.
One-Punch Man is a super hero who has trained so hard that his hair has fallen out, and who can overcome any enemy with one punch. However, because he is so strong, he has become bored and frustrated with winning all his battles so easily.
One-Punch Man is a super hero who has trained so hard that his hair has fallen out, and who can overcome any enemy with one punch. However, because he is so strong, he has become bored and frustrated with winning all his battles so easily.