Audrey FouchéSchauspieler:
Hugo Becker, Laurent Delbecque, Nicolas Van Beveren, Alexandra Ansidei, Victoire Belezy, Célia Catalifo, Éric Savin, Dominique Isnard, Aurélien Labruyere, Lionel Lingelser, Agathe Bonitzer, Manoël Dupont, Yuming Hey, Gaël Kamilindi, Stéphane Pitti, Luna SilvaParis in einer nahen Zukunft. Die Dating-App „Osmosis“ kann für Liebessuchende den 100-prozentig passenden Partner, also seinen Seelenverwandten finden. Aber welchen Preis muss man dafür zahlen, dass einem eine Maschine sagt, wen man bis ans Ende seiner Tage zu lieben hat? Und kann ein Algorithmus wirklich die tiefsten Tiefen der menschlichen Seele erfassen?
Paris, in the near future. Technology has conquered the last frontier: decoding true love. Digging deep into its user's brain data, the new dating app Osmosis can find a perfect match with 100% accuracy, turning the concept of absolute soulmate into a reality. But is there a price to pay when letting an algorithm decide who you will love, forever and ever? When in exchange for this undying, ageless love, technology can access the innermost recesses of your mind -- and the best kept secrets of your heart...
Paris, in the near future. Technology has conquered the last frontier: decoding true love. Digging deep into its user's brain data, the new dating app Osmosis can find a perfect match with 100% accuracy, turning the concept of absolute soulmate into a reality. But is there a price to pay when letting an algorithm decide who you will love, forever and ever? When in exchange for this undying, ageless love, technology can access the innermost recesses of your mind -- and the best kept secrets of your heart...