Katori HallSchauspieler:
Brandee Evans, Nicco Annan, Carolyn Braver, Harriett D. Foy, Elarica Johnson, Parker Sawyers, J. Alphonse Nicholson, Shannon Thornton, Dan J. Johnson, Tyler LepleyIn einem Strip-Club im Mississippi-Delta stehen fünf tapfere Frauen im Mittelpunkt, die ihre Wünsche und Träume verwirklichen möchten und mit den Grenzen der Realität zu kämpfen haben. Auf der Suche nach Geld, Macht und Respekt muss jede Frau für sich die Wahl treffen, wie ihr Leben aussehen soll. Für die eine ist die Bühne im Strip-Club ein Schritt nach oben, für die andere ein Schritt ins Verderben. Für alle ist aber klar: Auf der Bühne gibt es keine halben Sachen.
P-Valley is a scripted one-hour drama that takes an unflinching and unapologetic look at the lives of pole dancers working down in the Dirty Delta. Creator and writer Katori Hall will executive produce P-Valley with Chernin Entertainment's Peter Chernin; Jenno Topping; and Dante Di Loreto. Khaliah Neal will serve as consulting producer. Set in an infamous Mississippi "shake junt" called the Pink Pony, P-Valley is an intimate window to the unexplored southern strip club world, where the desires of pro-ballers and politicians collide with the dreams of five brave women. For these women, the line between performance and reality becomes blurred, as the drama of their outside lives threaten their onstage personas. On the quest for money, power, and respect, each woman must make a choice. For some it's a step down, for others a step up, as the Pink Pony stage constantly shape-shifts between a platform for freedom and a gilded cage.
P-Valley is a scripted one-hour drama that takes an unflinching and unapologetic look at the lives of pole dancers working down in the Dirty Delta. Creator and writer Katori Hall will executive produce P-Valley with Chernin Entertainment's Peter Chernin; Jenno Topping; and Dante Di Loreto. Khaliah Neal will serve as consulting producer. Set in an infamous Mississippi "shake junt" called the Pink Pony, P-Valley is an intimate window to the unexplored southern strip club world, where the desires of pro-ballers and politicians collide with the dreams of five brave women. For these women, the line between performance and reality becomes blurred, as the drama of their outside lives threaten their onstage personas. On the quest for money, power, and respect, each woman must make a choice. For some it's a step down, for others a step up, as the Pink Pony stage constantly shape-shifts between a platform for freedom and a gilded cage.