Dan FogelmanSchauspieler:
Kylie Bunbury, Mark-Paul Gosselaar, Ali Larter, Tim Jo, Mo McRae, Meagan Holder, Mark Consuelos, Dan LauriaIm Zentrum der Geschichte von „Pitch“ steht eine junge Spielerin namens Ginny (Kylie Bunbury), die es entgegen aller Erwartungen als erste ihres Geschlechts bis in die oberste Liga der Baseball-Welt schafft. Zur Seite steht ihr ihre Sport-Agentin und persönlicher Guru Amelia Slater (Ali Larter).
Mike Lawson (Mark-Paul Gosselaar) ist ein charmanter Baseballstar mit Ambitionen auf den Eintritt in die Hall of Fame als Catcher in der Major League Baseball. Auf dem Spielfeld gilt er als Anführer, abseits davon als Frauenheld. Kein Wunder also, dass ausgerechnet er eine komplizierte Beziehung zu seiner neuen Mitspielerin Ginny entwickelt. Al Sciutto (Dan Lauria) ist der Manager des Teams.
Pitch is the dramatic and inspirational story of a young pitcher who becomes the first woman to play Major League Baseball. A beautiful, tough and gifted athlete, GINNY BAKER is vaulted into instant fame when she's called up by the San Diego Padres to make her Major League debut.Like any rookie, Ginny must prove herself to her teammates. Foremost among them is MIKE LAWSON, the team's ruggedly handsome star catcher. There's instant chemistry between them, although neither dares admit it. After all, Mike is captain of the team and a few of his players don't even want Ginny on the field. One of the players watching Ginny's back is center fielder BLIP SANDERS, an old friend from the minor leagues and his wife EVELYN.Guiding her is her agent/confidante, AMELIA SLATER. Amelia saw Ginny's star potential early on and left her previous job as a Hollywood publicist to concentrate on the young phenom, bringing along her young assistant ELIOT.Although groomed for this moment by her demanding father, BILL BAKER, the end of Ginny's improbable journey is the beginning of an almost impossible one: representing her gender as she embarks on a successful baseball career under the glare of the white-hot media spotlight.The team's manager, AL LUONGO, and general manager, OSCAR ARGUELLA, bicker over whether Ginny's presence on the field is in the team's best interests.Playing in the major leagues is a goal hard enough for anyone to achieve - except this player is also a woman, who happens to be the most important historical figure in sports since Jackie Robinson. This season, Ginny Baker will be the other woman trying to break into one of the oldest, most exclusive men's clubs in the country.
Pitch is the dramatic and inspirational story of a young pitcher who becomes the first woman to play Major League Baseball. A beautiful, tough and gifted athlete, GINNY BAKER is vaulted into instant fame when she's called up by the San Diego Padres to make her Major League debut.Like any rookie, Ginny must prove herself to her teammates. Foremost among them is MIKE LAWSON, the team's ruggedly handsome star catcher. There's instant chemistry between them, although neither dares admit it. After all, Mike is captain of the team and a few of his players don't even want Ginny on the field. One of the players watching Ginny's back is center fielder BLIP SANDERS, an old friend from the minor leagues and his wife EVELYN.Guiding her is her agent/confidante, AMELIA SLATER. Amelia saw Ginny's star potential early on and left her previous job as a Hollywood publicist to concentrate on the young phenom, bringing along her young assistant ELIOT.Although groomed for this moment by her demanding father, BILL BAKER, the end of Ginny's improbable journey is the beginning of an almost impossible one: representing her gender as she embarks on a successful baseball career under the glare of the white-hot media spotlight.The team's manager, AL LUONGO, and general manager, OSCAR ARGUELLA, bicker over whether Ginny's presence on the field is in the team's best interests.Playing in the major leagues is a goal hard enough for anyone to achieve - except this player is also a woman, who happens to be the most important historical figure in sports since Jackie Robinson. This season, Ginny Baker will be the other woman trying to break into one of the oldest, most exclusive men's clubs in the country.