Prison Break
Paul ScheuringSchauspieler:
Wentworth Miller, Dominic Purcell, Robert Knepper, Amaury Nolasco, Sarah Wayne Callies, Wade Williams, William Fichtner, Paul Adelstein, Rockmond Dunbar, Jodi Lyn O'Keefe, Marshall Allman, Robin Tunney, Michael Rapaport, Peter Stormare, Danay Garcia, Robert WisdomMichael Scofield (Wentworth Miller) befindet sich in einer verzweifelten Situation: Sein Bruder Lincoln Burrows (Dominic Purcell) sitzt in einer Todeszelle des Fox River State Gefängnisses. Er wurde wegen des Mordes am Bruder der amerikanischen Vize-Präsidentin verurteilt. Eine Überwachungskamera hatte die Tat aufgenommen. Lincoln beteuert jedoch nach wie vor seine Unschuld: Er habe den Mann zwar tatsächlich töten wollen. Als er an den Tatort kam, sei jener aber schon tot gewesen.
Niemand glaubt ihm - außer seinem Bruder. Nachdem alle legalen Mittel ausgeschöpft sind, um die Hinrichtung zu verhinden, fasst Michael den tollkühnen Beschluß, Lincoln aus dem Gefängnis zu befreien. Als Ingenieur, der selbst am Umbau der Gefängnisanlagen beteiligt war, konzipiert er einen minutiös durchdachten Fluchtplan. Um ihn zu verwirklichen, begeht er einen halbherzigen Banküberfall, der zu seiner Verurteilung und Inhaftierung im gleichen Gefängnis wie sein Bruder führt.
Lincoln Burrows is currently on death row and scheduled to die in a few months for an assassination his younger brother Michael is convinced he did not commit. With no other options and time winding down, Michael takes drastic measures to get himself incarcerated alongside his brother in Fox River State Penitentiary. Once he's inside, Michael - a structural engineer with the blueprints for the prison - begins to execute an elaborate plan to break Lincoln out and prove him innocent. When Michael arrives at Fox River State Penitentiary, he meets the prison denizens who will, unknowingly, help in his escape plans - his cellmate, the lovelorn Sucre; beautiful prison doctor Dr. Sara Tancredi, who happens to be the governor's daughter; former mob boss John Abruzzi; and Warden Henry Pope. Meanwhile, outside the prison walls, the brothers' childhood friend and Lincoln's lost love, attorney Veronica Donovan, works within the law to free them; Lincoln's teenage son LJ may be going down a path similar to his convicted father's; and Secret Service Agent Paul Kellerman's investigation into Lincoln's case proves that there may be a national conspiracy.
Lincoln Burrows is currently on death row and scheduled to die in a few months for an assassination his younger brother Michael is convinced he did not commit. With no other options and time winding down, Michael takes drastic measures to get himself incarcerated alongside his brother in Fox River State Penitentiary. Once he's inside, Michael - a structural engineer with the blueprints for the prison - begins to execute an elaborate plan to break Lincoln out and prove him innocent. When Michael arrives at Fox River State Penitentiary, he meets the prison denizens who will, unknowingly, help in his escape plans - his cellmate, the lovelorn Sucre; beautiful prison doctor Dr. Sara Tancredi, who happens to be the governor's daughter; former mob boss John Abruzzi; and Warden Henry Pope. Meanwhile, outside the prison walls, the brothers' childhood friend and Lincoln's lost love, attorney Veronica Donovan, works within the law to free them; Lincoln's teenage son LJ may be going down a path similar to his convicted father's; and Secret Service Agent Paul Kellerman's investigation into Lincoln's case proves that there may be a national conspiracy.