Matthew Macfadyen, Michael Sheen, Sian Clifford, Mark Bonnar, Helen McCrory, Michael Jibson, Aisling Bea, Elliot Levey, Risteard Cooper, Trystan GravelleMajor Charles Ingram (Matthew Macfadyen) ist Teilnehmer bei einer der populärsten britischen Rateshows und überhaupt weltweit: „Who Wants to Be a Millionaire“. Auf dem Weg zum Millionen-Gewinn muss er im Studio und vor Publikum eine Reihe Multiple-Choice-Fragen richtig beantworten. Um seine Chancen zu erhöhen, kommt er auf eine Idee: Er lässt sich insgeheim durch seine Frau Diana (Sian Clifford) und einen weiteren Freund, die im Publikum sitzen, „Hust“-Signale geben, die ihm dabei helfen, im Zweifel die korrekte Antwort auszuwählen.
Quiz tells the extraordinary and sensational story of how Charles and Diana Ingram attempted an ‘audacious heist' on the quiz show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Major Ingram, his wife Diana and an accomplice, Tecwen Whittock, who was sitting in the audience, were accused of cheating their way to a million pounds on what was, the most popular game show on earth in 2001. The couple stood trial for conspiring by coughing during the recording to signify the correct answers to the multiple choice questions posed to the Major by host, Chris Tarrant.
Quiz tells the extraordinary and sensational story of how Charles and Diana Ingram attempted an ‘audacious heist' on the quiz show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Major Ingram, his wife Diana and an accomplice, Tecwen Whittock, who was sitting in the audience, were accused of cheating their way to a million pounds on what was, the most popular game show on earth in 2001. The couple stood trial for conspiring by coughing during the recording to signify the correct answers to the multiple choice questions posed to the Major by host, Chris Tarrant.