Freddy SybornSchauspieler:
Lucy Hale, Henry Lloyd-Hughes, Thalissa Teixeira, Michael Smiley, Ali Cook, Natasha Little, Sam Troughton, Kobna Holdbrook-Smith, Samantha Spiro, Angus Wright, Amita Dhiri, Douggie McMeekin, Phil Davis, Camilla Marie BeeputIm Zentrum der Psychothrillerserie „Ragdoll“ steht eine besonders grausame Mordserie. Sechs Menschen wurden getötet und ihre Körperteile wurden von dem Täter zu einem grotesken Körper neu zusammengesetzt. Drei Beamte nehmen sich in London diesem Fall an: DS Nathan Rose (Henry Lloyd-Hughes), der gerade erst seinen Dienst bei der Metropolitan Police in London wieder aufgenommen hat, seine beste Freundin und Chefin DI Emily Baxter (Thalissa Teixeira) und die jüngste Rekrutin der Einheit, DC Lake Edmunds (Lucy Hale). Der sogenannte „Ragdoll Killer“ schickt der Polizei eine Liste seiner zukünftigen Opfer und auf dieser Liste steht auch Nathan Roses Name. Entsprechend groß ist der Druck auf die Beamten, dem Mann endlich habhaft zu werden.
Six people have been murdered, dismembered, and sewn into the shape of one grotesque body — nicknamed the ‘Ragdoll.' Assigned to the shocking case are DS Nathan Rose, recently reinstated to the London Met; his best friend and boss, DI Emily Baxter; and the unit's new recruit, DC Lake Edmunds. The 'Ragdoll Killer' taunts the police by sending them a list of his next victims, with Rose's name among them. And with those victims to protect, our heroes soon come under intense public scrutiny. A darkly funny, gruesomely imaginative serial killer thriller, Ragdoll also captures the fascinating but flawed friends struggling with the consequences of institutionalization and trauma.
Six people have been murdered, dismembered, and sewn into the shape of one grotesque body — nicknamed the ‘Ragdoll.' Assigned to the shocking case are DS Nathan Rose, recently reinstated to the London Met; his best friend and boss, DI Emily Baxter; and the unit's new recruit, DC Lake Edmunds. The 'Ragdoll Killer' taunts the police by sending them a list of his next victims, with Rose's name among them. And with those victims to protect, our heroes soon come under intense public scrutiny. A darkly funny, gruesomely imaginative serial killer thriller, Ragdoll also captures the fascinating but flawed friends struggling with the consequences of institutionalization and trauma.