Frank Spotnitz, David VainolaSchauspieler:
Brandon Jay McLaren, Luke Roberts, Nazneen Contractor, Sarah Greene, Karen LeBlancEric Beaumont (Luke Roberts) ist ein international agierender Spezialist in Geisel-Verhandlungen. Er ist insbesondere darauf spezialisiert auf Fälle, die aus welchen Gründen auch immer internationales Interesse haben und Krisen heraufbeschwören können – seinen es Entführungen für Lösegeld oder aus privaten Motiven. Hinter sich hat er ein Team aus der erfahrenen Ex-Polizistin Zara Hallam (Nazneen Contractor), dem Psychologen und Profiler Oliver Yates (Brandon Jay McLaren). Dazu gesellt sich Neuzugnang Maxine Carlson (Sarah Green), die eine Verbindung zu einem von Beaumonts früheren Fällen hat.
Beaumont ist ein Genie darin, wenn es darum geht, sein Gegenüber und dessen Motive zu durchschauen. Eine Fähigkeit, die ihm beruflich weiter hilft, aber für ein schwieriges Privatleben sorgt. Eine weitere Eigenheit von ihm ist es, unter allen Umständen auf den Einsatz von Waffen verzichten zu wollen.
Ransom follows Eric Beaumont, a highly specialized negotiator who is parachuted into crisis situations to defuse them before they spin out of control. Eric is so brilliantly effective, it's hard to know when he's working someone or dealing straight, which is part of his charm – he knows how to get what he wants and rarely loses. He travels the globe with his team which includes a new recruit, Maxine Carlson, a young woman eager to learn from one of the best negotiators, but who may have her own personal agenda. Together they negotiate the most difficult, high stakes kidnap and ransom cases, though his missions are complicated by the fact that many countries have outlawed private negotiation. As a result, Eric and his team are often in as much danger from the authorities as the criminals they face.
Ransom follows Eric Beaumont, a highly specialized negotiator who is parachuted into crisis situations to defuse them before they spin out of control. Eric is so brilliantly effective, it's hard to know when he's working someone or dealing straight, which is part of his charm – he knows how to get what he wants and rarely loses. He travels the globe with his team which includes a new recruit, Maxine Carlson, a young woman eager to learn from one of the best negotiators, but who may have her own personal agenda. Together they negotiate the most difficult, high stakes kidnap and ransom cases, though his missions are complicated by the fact that many countries have outlawed private negotiation. As a result, Eric and his team are often in as much danger from the authorities as the criminals they face.