Redbad - The Legend
Gijs Naber, Jonathan Banks, Lisa Smit, Britte Lagcher, Søren Malling, Loes HaverkortIm Jahr 754 n. Chr. wird die Legende des heidnischen Kriegerkönigs Redbad geboren, aber auch eine neue Waffe gegen sein Volk: Das Christentum. Redbad muss schließlich eine Wikingerarmee vereinen, die stark genug ist, um die scheinbar unbesiegbaren Franken zu besiegen.
In the year of 754 AD, the legend of the pagan warrior king, Redbad, is born, but so is a new weapon against his people: Christianity. Redbad must ultimately unite a Viking army powerful enough to defeat the seemingly invincible Franks
In the year of 754 AD, the legend of the pagan warrior king, Redbad, is born, but so is a new weapon against his people: Christianity. Redbad must ultimately unite a Viking army powerful enough to defeat the seemingly invincible Franks