Todd HarthanSchauspieler:
Morris Chestnut, Gabrielle Dennis, Jaina Lee Ortiz, Anna Konkle, Lorraine Toussaint, Domenick Lombardozzi, Eddie CibrianIn der neuen Serie „Rosewood“ ist ein Procedural, in der Dr. Beaumont Rosewood Jr. seines Zeichens der beste private Pathologe in Miami, im Mittelpunkt steht. Er ist der Besitzer eines der modernsten unabhängigen Labore im Land und findet bei den Autopsien Geheimnisse, die andere übersehen. Obwohl er ständig vom Tod umgeben ist, klammert er sich ans Leben und genießt jeden Moment davon.
Morris Chestnut ist in der Hauptrolle des Dr. Beaumont Rosewood, Jr. zu sehen, der als charismatischer und talentierter Pathologe beschrieben wird.
Jaina Lee Ortiz übernimmt die Rolle der Karissa Villa, die ein ehemaliger Detective der NYPD ist und kürzlich zurück nach Miami zog. Zudem wird Maggie Elizabeth Jones als Millie zu sehen sein, Dr. Roosewoods Nachbarin. In weiteren Rollen sind Gabrielle Dennis und Anna Konkle zu sehen.
Meet the Beethoven of private pathologists... From executive producer Todd Harthan, Rosewood is the story of Dr. Beaumont Rosewood, Jr., the most brilliant private pathologist in Miami. Using his wildly sophisticated autopsy lab, he performs for-hire autopsies to uncover clues that the Miami PD can't see. His new partner-in-crime is Detective Villa a Miami PD detective with attitude and demons to spare. While she's impressed by Rosewood's incredible abilities, his constant optimism is more annoying than it is infectious. But somehow, week-to-week, this unlikely tag team will solve many crimes together. Joining Rosewood in his practice are his sister and "toxicology queen," Pippy; and DNA specialist Tara Milly Izikoff aka TMI, who is Pippy's fiancée. Plagued with his own set of medical ailments, Rosewood sees that every moment of life should be embraced and lived to the fullest. And those moments of victims' lives that will never be are what drive him the most.
Meet the Beethoven of private pathologists... From executive producer Todd Harthan, Rosewood is the story of Dr. Beaumont Rosewood, Jr., the most brilliant private pathologist in Miami. Using his wildly sophisticated autopsy lab, he performs for-hire autopsies to uncover clues that the Miami PD can't see. His new partner-in-crime is Detective Villa a Miami PD detective with attitude and demons to spare. While she's impressed by Rosewood's incredible abilities, his constant optimism is more annoying than it is infectious. But somehow, week-to-week, this unlikely tag team will solve many crimes together. Joining Rosewood in his practice are his sister and "toxicology queen," Pippy; and DNA specialist Tara Milly Izikoff aka TMI, who is Pippy's fiancée. Plagued with his own set of medical ailments, Rosewood sees that every moment of life should be embraced and lived to the fullest. And those moments of victims' lives that will never be are what drive him the most.