Save Me - Nicht schon wieder!
John Scott ShepherdSchauspieler:
Anne Heche, Michael Landes, Madison Davenport, Heather Burns, Joy Osmanski, Alexandra BreckenridgeBeth Harper hatte einst eine Familie gegründet, sich aber kurz darauf vom Alltag überrumpeln lassen. So entglitten ihr ihre Familie, inklusive Ehe, und auch physisch ließ sie sich gehen. Madison Davenport spielt in „Save Me“ ihre altkluge Tochter, Heather Burns eine ihrer Freundinnen, Lamon Rucker die Figur des Dr. John Wilkins, Michael Landes („Special Unit 2“) ihren Ehemann Tom, den Manager eines schicken Hotels.
Alexandra Breckenridge („American Horror Story“) arbeitet in besagtem Hotel als Empfangsdame. Eigentlich verfügt sie jedoch über einen Psychologieabschluss und hatte bis zu ihrer Entlassung als Schulpsychologin (Guidance Councelor) gearbeitet. Für Tom fungiert sie nun ebenfalls als Psychologin - und als Geliebte.
After choking on a hero sandwich in her kitchen and suffering a dramatic near-death experience, Beth Harper - an absentee wife and mother - is revived and claims she can now talk to God. Her teenage daughter Emily is horrified and her husband Tom is skeptical. To make matters worse, Tom's ex-mistress Carly McKenna is in a coma after a close encounter with lightning in the Harper's front yard.As Beth warms up to her new life, she strives to make amends to the people she has alienated over the years, including friends and neighbors Jenna Dennings and Maggie Tompkins. Despite everyone's initial hesitancy, Beth begins to win people over with her new positive attitude, cheerful optimism and unbridled love.
After choking on a hero sandwich in her kitchen and suffering a dramatic near-death experience, Beth Harper - an absentee wife and mother - is revived and claims she can now talk to God. Her teenage daughter Emily is horrified and her husband Tom is skeptical. To make matters worse, Tom's ex-mistress Carly McKenna is in a coma after a close encounter with lightning in the Harper's front yard.As Beth warms up to her new life, she strives to make amends to the people she has alienated over the years, including friends and neighbors Jenna Dennings and Maggie Tompkins. Despite everyone's initial hesitancy, Beth begins to win people over with her new positive attitude, cheerful optimism and unbridled love.