Dimitri Leonidas, Elliot Cowan, Elliot Knight, Marama Corlett, Junix Inocian, Orla Brady, Naveen Andrews, Tuppence Middleton, Estella Daniels, Janet Suzman, Yigal NaorSinbad (Elliot Knight) befindet sich in der gleichnamigen Abenteuer-Serie auf der Flucht. Er wird von seiner Familie verstoßen und von der eigenen Großmutter (Janet Suzman) verflucht. Sie macht ihren Enkel für den Tod seines Bruders verantwortlich.
Sinbad und seine Schiffscrew geraten in einen magischen Sturm, den sie nur knapp überstehen. Mit ihrem Schiff, der Providence, macht sich seine Bande nun auf den Weg, um ein episches und emotionales Abenteuer zu durchleben - mit dem Ziel, den Fluch zu brechen, Ruhm zu gewinnen und seine Ehre zurückzuerlangen.
Sinbad is a young man on a quest for redemption, condemned to keep searching for a way to lift the curse that chains him to the seas, until he can find the goodness in himself. Sinbad provides for himself and his family by fighting for money, but inadvertently kills a man, causing him to escape to sea as a stowaway. The 8th century Arabia is a melting pot of cultures, faiths and creatures; full of life and color, but also threatening and volatile. Before their journey is over, Sinbad and his crew of outcasts will not only have to brave their own demons, but some of the most dangerous enemies imaginable.
Sinbad is a young man on a quest for redemption, condemned to keep searching for a way to lift the curse that chains him to the seas, until he can find the goodness in himself. Sinbad provides for himself and his family by fighting for money, but inadvertently kills a man, causing him to escape to sea as a stowaway. The 8th century Arabia is a melting pot of cultures, faiths and creatures; full of life and color, but also threatening and volatile. Before their journey is over, Sinbad and his crew of outcasts will not only have to brave their own demons, but some of the most dangerous enemies imaginable.