Sky Wizard Academy
Hiroshi YamaguchiSchauspieler:
Randy E. Aguebor, Dawn Michelle Bennett, Joel McDonald, Kristen McGuireDie Menschheit wurde durch magische, gepanzerte Insekten vom Land vertrieben und lebt nun in fliegenden Städten. Dadurch entstanden Wizards, fliegende Kampf-Magier, welche die Insekten mit magischen Kräften bekämpfen.
Kanata Age ist ein junger Mann, der in der schwebenden Wizard-Akademie-Stadt Misutogan lebt. Einst wurde er als Black Master Swordsman, das Elite-Ass des Spezialteams S128 gefeiert, doch nun verachtet man ihn als Verräter. Eines Tages wird er dem Team E601, welches zehn aufeinanderfolgende Niederlagen erlitten hat, als Ausbilder zugewiesen. E601 besteht aus den drei Mädchen Misora Whitale, Lecty Eisenach und Rico Flamel, die allerdings die eine oder andere merkwürdige Eigenart besitzen.
Humanity was driven off the land by the threat of magical armored insects and now live in aerial floating cities. Its defenses lie in wizards who fight the insects with magic in mid-air. Kanata Age is a young man who lives on the floating wizard academy city of "Misutogan." He was once celebrated as the "Black Master Swordsman," the elite ace of the S128 special team. However, he is now despised as the "traitor of the special team." One day, he is assigned as the instructor of E601, a team that has suffered 10 consecutive defeats. E601 has three girls — Misora Whitale, Lecty Eisenach, and Rico Flamel — with one or two peculiar quirks.
Humanity was driven off the land by the threat of magical armored insects and now live in aerial floating cities. Its defenses lie in wizards who fight the insects with magic in mid-air. Kanata Age is a young man who lives on the floating wizard academy city of "Misutogan." He was once celebrated as the "Black Master Swordsman," the elite ace of the S128 special team. However, he is now despised as the "traitor of the special team." One day, he is assigned as the instructor of E601, a team that has suffered 10 consecutive defeats. E601 has three girls — Misora Whitale, Lecty Eisenach, and Rico Flamel — with one or two peculiar quirks.