Aaron MartinSchauspieler:
Steve Byers, Brandon Jay McLaren, Katie McGrath, Jessica Sipos, Christopher Jacot, Patrick Garrow, Paulino Nunes, Leslie Hope, Dean McDermott, Mark Ghanimé, Lovell Adams-Gray, Joanne Vannicola, Rob Stewart, Sebastian Pigott, Madison Cheeatow, Paula BrancatiDie erste Geschichte der Anthologieserie „Slasher“ handelt von einer jungen Frau Sarah Bennett (Katie McGrath, die in ihre Heimatstadt zurückkehrt, wo sie ins Zentrum einer Serie von Morden rückt. Morde, welche die grausame Tötung ihrer Eltern nachstellen.
Nach und nach eskalieren die Morde und Sarah beginnt alles und jeden um sie zu hinterfragen, wozu sogar ihr Ehemann Dylan (Brandon Jay McLaren) und ihre Großmutter Brenda Meritt (Wendy Crewson]) und der befreundete Cam Henry (Steve Byers) und der Polizeichef Iain Vaughn (Dean McDermott) gehören.
Thirty years ago, in the sleepy community of Waterbury, a killer known as "The Executioner" murdered Sarah Bennett's parents. Now Sarah and her husband Dylan have returned to town, only to find herself the centerpiece in a series of horrifying murders centered around the seven deadly sins. It seems "The Executioner" is back. But if Tom Winston - the original Executioner - is behind bars, who is the new person behind the mask? As the murders escalate, long-buried secrets are revealed, making everyone around Sarah a suspect… or a victim.
Thirty years ago, in the sleepy community of Waterbury, a killer known as "The Executioner" murdered Sarah Bennett's parents. Now Sarah and her husband Dylan have returned to town, only to find herself the centerpiece in a series of horrifying murders centered around the seven deadly sins. It seems "The Executioner" is back. But if Tom Winston - the original Executioner - is behind bars, who is the new person behind the mask? As the murders escalate, long-buried secrets are revealed, making everyone around Sarah a suspect… or a victim.