Yoo Hyun-miSchauspieler:
Jung Hae In, Kim Ji SooZwei Studenten einer renommierten Universität in Seoul der 1980er Jahren lernen sich bei einer zufälligen Begegnung kennen und verlieben sich ineinander. Doch ihre Liebe wird in den turbulenten Zeiten der historischen Studentenbewegungen überschattet, die sich in Südkorea gegen das diktatorische Regime richtet und blutig niedergeschlagen wird.
Snowdrop is known to be based on the handwritten notes of a man who escaped from a political prison camp in North Korea. In 1987, when tear gas exploded like firecrackers, a bloody man jumped into a female college dormitory and a female student treats him thinking he's an activist student fighting for the generation.
Snowdrop is known to be based on the handwritten notes of a man who escaped from a political prison camp in North Korea. In 1987, when tear gas exploded like firecrackers, a bloody man jumped into a female college dormitory and a female student treats him thinking he's an activist student fighting for the generation.