Spice and Wolf
Takeo TakahashiSchauspieler:
Akeno Watanabe, Ami Koshimizu, Mai Nakahara, Saeko Chiba, Rikiya Koyama, Jun Fukuyama, Kaori Nazuka, Romi ParkCraft Lawrence ist ein umherziehender Händler, der davon lebt, seine Waren in immer neuen Städten zu verkaufen. Eines Tages kommt er mal wieder in die Stadt Pasroe, wo zurzeit ein Erntefest stattfindet. Die Einwohner feiern dieses Fest jedes Jahr, um der Erntegöttin Horo zu danken. Doch in dieser Nacht findet Lawrence in seinem Wagen ein Mädchen mit Wolfsohren, das sich später als eben jene Wolfsgöttin Horo entpuppt. Sie will sich Lawrence anschließen, um zurück in ihre alte Heimat zu gelangen, doch der scheint von dieser Idee nicht sonderlich begeistert zu sein...
Holo is a powerful wolf deity who is celebrated and revered in the small town of Pasloe for blessing the annual harvest. Yet as years go by and the villagers become more self-sufficient, Holo, who stylizes herself as the "Wise Wolf of Yoitsu", has been reduced to a mere folk tale. When a traveling merchant named Kraft Lawrence stops at Pasloe, Holo offers to become his business partner if he eventually takes her to her northern home of Yoitsu. The savvy trader recognizes Holo's unusual ability to evaluate a person's character and accepts her proposition. Now in the possession of both sharp business skills and a charismatic negotiator, Lawrence inches closer to his goal of opening his own shop. However, as Lawrence travels the countryside with Holo in search of economic opportunities, he begins to realize that his aspirations are slowly morphing into something unexpected.Also known as "Ookami to Koushinryou".
Holo is a powerful wolf deity who is celebrated and revered in the small town of Pasloe for blessing the annual harvest. Yet as years go by and the villagers become more self-sufficient, Holo, who stylizes herself as the "Wise Wolf of Yoitsu", has been reduced to a mere folk tale. When a traveling merchant named Kraft Lawrence stops at Pasloe, Holo offers to become his business partner if he eventually takes her to her northern home of Yoitsu. The savvy trader recognizes Holo's unusual ability to evaluate a person's character and accepts her proposition. Now in the possession of both sharp business skills and a charismatic negotiator, Lawrence inches closer to his goal of opening his own shop. However, as Lawrence travels the countryside with Holo in search of economic opportunities, he begins to realize that his aspirations are slowly morphing into something unexpected.Also known as "Ookami to Koushinryou".