SurrealEstate - Spukhäuser in Bestlage
George R. OlsonSchauspieler:
Tim Rozon, Sarah Levy, Adam Korson, Maurice Dean Wint, Savannah Basley, Tennille ReadDer Makler Nick Roman (Tim Rozon) führt eine Truppe von Spezialisten an, die sich um Immobilien kümmern, die sonst keiner übernehmen will: Verwunschene und von Geistern besessene Häuser, die jeden potentiellen Käufer in die Flucht schlagen. Umfassende Nachforschungen sind nötig, bevor die Anwesen von ihrer Besessenheit befreit werden können und bevor die Dämonen zur Ruhe kommen.
SurrealEstate revolves around real estate agent Nick Roman and an elite team of specialists who handle the cases that no one else can: haunted and possessed houses that literally scare would-be buyers away. Researching, investigating and "fixing" the things that go bump in the night, the team works to create closure — and closings — as they struggle with demons of their own.
SurrealEstate revolves around real estate agent Nick Roman and an elite team of specialists who handle the cases that no one else can: haunted and possessed houses that literally scare would-be buyers away. Researching, investigating and "fixing" the things that go bump in the night, the team works to create closure — and closings — as they struggle with demons of their own.