Terra Formars
Hiroshi HamazakiSchauspieler:
KENN, Ayane Sakura, Akira Ishida, Tetsuo Komura, Unshō Ishizuka, Hidenobu Kiuchi, Daisuke Ono, Koji Yusa, Ai Kayano, Yoshimasa Hosoya, Kaito Ishikawa, Shizuka ItouUm das Problem der stetig wachsenden Population auf der Erde in den Griff zu bekommen, startete die United-NASA im 21. Jahrhundert ein Projekt zur Bevölkerung des Mars. Damit sich das Klima des Mars stabilisieren konnte, bedeckte die U-NASA seine Oberfläche mit 2, den harten Bedingungen des Mars trotzenden, Organismen: Einem bestimmten Moos, sowie gewöhnlichen Kakerlaken, die sich von dem Moos ernähren sollten und deren Kadaver dem Moos wiederum als Nährboden dienten. [ … ] Die U-NASA startete im Jahr 2577 das erste bemannte Raumschiff zum Mars. Doch was sie dort vorfanden, hätten sie sich in ihren kühnsten Träumen nicht ausmalen können.
With the space program attempting to travel to Mars, 21st century scientists were tasked with warming up the planet so that humans could survive on its surface. They came up with an efficient and cost-effective plan of sending cockroaches and mold to the surface so that the mold would absorb the sunlight and the insect corpses would serve as a food source for the mold. It is now the year 2577 and the first manned ship to Mars has landed on the planet and the six crew members are ready for their mission. But what they find are giant mutated humanoid cockroaches with incredible physical strength. The crew members are easily wiped out, but not before sending a transmission back to Earth. Now, humanity will send elite warriors to exterminate the mutated bugs and claim back Mars.
With the space program attempting to travel to Mars, 21st century scientists were tasked with warming up the planet so that humans could survive on its surface. They came up with an efficient and cost-effective plan of sending cockroaches and mold to the surface so that the mold would absorb the sunlight and the insect corpses would serve as a food source for the mold. It is now the year 2577 and the first manned ship to Mars has landed on the planet and the six crew members are ready for their mission. But what they find are giant mutated humanoid cockroaches with incredible physical strength. The crew members are easily wiped out, but not before sending a transmission back to Earth. Now, humanity will send elite warriors to exterminate the mutated bugs and claim back Mars.