The Burning Girls
Samantha Morton, Ruby StokesVerfilmung des gleichnamigen Romans von C.J. Tudor als Miniserie. Im Zentrum steht eine Vikarin, die ihre 15-jährige Tochter alleine großzieht. Sie kommt in die Stadt Chapel Croft und hofft dort auf einen Neuanfang. Doch in der Stadt wimmelt es nur so von Verschwörungen und Geheimnissen.
Chapel Croft is a village haunted by a dark and turbulent history. Five hundred years ago, Protestant martyrs – including two young girls – were betrayed and burned at the stake. Thirty years ago, two teenage girls disappeared without a trace. And a few weeks ago, the vicar of the local parish hanged himself in the nave of the church. Now, Jack Brooks, a female vicar and single mum to 15-year-old daughter Flo, arrives in Chapel Croft in the hope of a fresh start. However, instead of finding peace in their new home, Jack finds the village rife with conspiracies and secrets, and uncovering the truth can be deadly in a community with a bloody past, where everyone has something to hide.
Chapel Croft is a village haunted by a dark and turbulent history. Five hundred years ago, Protestant martyrs – including two young girls – were betrayed and burned at the stake. Thirty years ago, two teenage girls disappeared without a trace. And a few weeks ago, the vicar of the local parish hanged himself in the nave of the church. Now, Jack Brooks, a female vicar and single mum to 15-year-old daughter Flo, arrives in Chapel Croft in the hope of a fresh start. However, instead of finding peace in their new home, Jack finds the village rife with conspiracies and secrets, and uncovering the truth can be deadly in a community with a bloody past, where everyone has something to hide.