The Cleaner
Greg DaviesSchauspieler:
Greg DaviesPaul ‚Wicky‘ Wickstead (Greg Davies) ist an Tatorten für eine gründliche Säuberung zuständig, sobald die Polizei alle wichtigen Beweise sichergestellt hat.
Bei der Arbeit an auf grausamste Weise verdreckten Räumen begegnen dem redseligen Wicky die unterschiedlichsten Personen: Mal Verwandte des Opfers, die von dessen Ableben noch gar nichts wussten, Angestellte, Nachbarn oder sonstige Bekannte – und bisweilen kehrt auch mal ein Mörder an den Ort der Tat zurück. Da Wicky trotz seiner eher einsamen Arbeit ein geselliger Mensch ist, kommt er mit seinen neuen Bekanntschaften häufiger ins Quatschen und erledigt seine Arbeit hernach ohne selbstgemachten Zeitdruck.
Adaption von Der Tatortreiniger
Paul ‘Wicky' Wickstead, is a state-certified cleaning technician with a very special field of work: as a crime scene cleaner he is responsible for the removal of any signs of death.Wicky works for Shropshire-based cleaning contractors Lausen and is usually found, together with his baby-blue pickup truck, at crime scenes after the police have concluded their detective work.Armed with chemicals, scrubbing brushes and cleaning rags, Wicky removes the gruesome mess at the scene of the crime. When carrying out his duties, he stumbles across the strangest of people: from the victim's relatives, employers, neighbours and acquaintances, to occasionally even the murderers themselves. And because he's a sociable type, he sometimes gossips more than he cleans
Paul ‘Wicky' Wickstead, is a state-certified cleaning technician with a very special field of work: as a crime scene cleaner he is responsible for the removal of any signs of death.Wicky works for Shropshire-based cleaning contractors Lausen and is usually found, together with his baby-blue pickup truck, at crime scenes after the police have concluded their detective work.Armed with chemicals, scrubbing brushes and cleaning rags, Wicky removes the gruesome mess at the scene of the crime. When carrying out his duties, he stumbles across the strangest of people: from the victim's relatives, employers, neighbours and acquaintances, to occasionally even the murderers themselves. And because he's a sociable type, he sometimes gossips more than he cleans