The Eminence in Shadow
Seiichiro Yamashita, Asami Seto, Inori Minase, Suzuko Mimori, Fairouz Ai, Hisako Kanemoto, Reina Kondo, Rina HidakaShadowbroker sind diejenigen, die unbemerkt bleiben und sich als unauffällige Menschen ausgeben, während sie in Wahrheit alles hinter den Kulissen kontrollieren. Sid möchte so jemand werden und etwas so Unbedeutendes wie die langweilige Realität wird ihm nicht in die Quere kommen! Jede Nacht trainiert er im Geheimen, um sich auf seinen möglichen Machtaufstieg vorzubereiten – nur um dann durch einen trivialen (aber tödlichen) Verkehrsunfall von seinem Schicksal abgehalten zu werden. Doch als er in einer anderen Welt erwacht und sich plötzlich an der Spitze einer echten Geheimorganisation wiederfindet, die das Böse im Verborgenen bekämpft, bekommt er endlich die Chance, all seine wahrhaften Fantasien auszuleben!
Shadowbrokers are those who go unnoticed, posing as unremarkable people, when in truth, they control everything from behind the scenes. Sid wants to be someone just like that more than anything, and something as insignificant as boring reality isn't going to get in his way! He trains in secret every single night, preparing for his eventual rise to power—only to denied his destiny by a run-of-the-mill (yet deadly) traffic accident. But when he wakes up in a another world and suddenly finds himself at the head of an actual secret organization doing battle with evil in the shadows, he'll finally get a chance to act out all of his delusional fantasies!
Shadowbrokers are those who go unnoticed, posing as unremarkable people, when in truth, they control everything from behind the scenes. Sid wants to be someone just like that more than anything, and something as insignificant as boring reality isn't going to get in his way! He trains in secret every single night, preparing for his eventual rise to power—only to denied his destiny by a run-of-the-mill (yet deadly) traffic accident. But when he wakes up in a another world and suddenly finds himself at the head of an actual secret organization doing battle with evil in the shadows, he'll finally get a chance to act out all of his delusional fantasies!