The Enemy Within
Ken WoodruffSchauspieler:
Noah Mills, Raza Jaffrey, Morris Chestnut, Kelli Garner, Jennifer Carpenter, Cassandra FreemanThe Enemy Within ist ein charakterzentrierter Thriller, der sich in der Welt der Spionageabwehr abspielt. Im Zentrum steht die ehemalige CIA-Agentin Erica Shepherd, die berühmt-berüchtigste Verräterin der modernen Geschichte und die meist gehasste Frau in Amerika, die vom FBI aus dem Hochsicherheitsgefängnis geholt wird, um ihnen zu helfen, die gefährlichsten Spionagemissionen aufzudecken und zu stoppen, die die heutige USA bedrohen.
The Enemy Within is a character-driven investigative thriller set in the world of counterintelligence. It focuses on former CIA agent Erica Shepherd, the most notorious traitor in modern history and most hated woman in America, who is brought out of a federal supermax prison by the FBI to help stop some of the most dangerous acts of espionage threatening the United States today.
The Enemy Within is a character-driven investigative thriller set in the world of counterintelligence. It focuses on former CIA agent Erica Shepherd, the most notorious traitor in modern history and most hated woman in America, who is brought out of a federal supermax prison by the FBI to help stop some of the most dangerous acts of espionage threatening the United States today.