The Familiar of Zero
Yuka Inokuchi, Taketora, Akiko Kimura, Mamiko Noto, Yui Horie, Kenji Nojima, Kikuko Inoue, Takahiro Sakurai, Yuka IguchiLuise ist Schülerin an einer Schule für Magier. Eines Tages muss Sie wie ihre Mitschüler auch, einen „Vertrauten“ hervorbeschwören. Dieser soll sie ab diesem Zeitpunkt immer begleiten.
Während sich alle mehr oder weniger magische Tiere herbeizaubern, erscheint bei Luise ein Mensch. Saito Hiraga, ein normaler Junge von der Erde.
Dieser, aber auch Luise, können sich anfangs nicht mit der Situation abfinden.
Nach einigen mehr oder weniger gefährlichen Abenteuern kommen sich die beiden langsam näher.
Aber ist Saito wirklich nur ein ganz normaler Junge? Oder umgibt ihn ein unbekanntes Geheimniss?
Meet Louise, a budding magician. The students at the Tristein Academy call her "Zero Louise", due to her current record of zero successes with magic. In fact, her magic tends to go spectacularly wrong. Now, as an important test of her aptitude for magic, she must summon a familiar to be her servant. At this critical moment, she summons up all her magic and wishes for a familiar that is "devoted, beautiful and powerful", and gets... Hiraga Saito, an ordinary Japanese boy. It's difficult to say who is more surprised and dismayed, but the rules don't allow for second attempts. Louise is stuck with her strange familiar, and he with her.
Meet Louise, a budding magician. The students at the Tristein Academy call her "Zero Louise", due to her current record of zero successes with magic. In fact, her magic tends to go spectacularly wrong. Now, as an important test of her aptitude for magic, she must summon a familiar to be her servant. At this critical moment, she summons up all her magic and wishes for a familiar that is "devoted, beautiful and powerful", and gets... Hiraga Saito, an ordinary Japanese boy. It's difficult to say who is more surprised and dismayed, but the rules don't allow for second attempts. Louise is stuck with her strange familiar, and he with her.