The Fear Index
Josh Hartnett, Leila Farzad, Arsher Ali, Grégory Montel, Aïssa Maïga, Jeremy Killick, Irène JacobDer geniale Informatiker Dr. Alex Hoffman (Josh Hartnett) möchte seine Erfindung nun endlich lukrativ unter die Leute bringen. Dabei handelt es sich um VIXAL-4, ein System, das von künstlicher Intelligenz gesteuert wird. Es hat die Fähigkeit, die Angst an den Finanzmärkten auszunutzen und so blitzschnell große Renditen zu erzielen. Gemeinsam mit seinem besten Freund, dem Hedgefonds-Manager Hugo (Arsher Ali), generiert Alex reichlich Interesse an seinem Produkt, vor allem bei Superreichen, die auf weitere Milliardenumsätze hoffen. Doch auf den Startschuss folgen die schlimmsten 24 Stunden im Leben von Alex, die ihn durch Realität, Erinnerung und paranoide Fantasie führen.
The Fear Index centers on Dr Alex Hoffman, a computer scientist and genius who is ready to make a killing. Alongside his Hedge Fund business partner and best friend, Hugo, he's launching VIXAL-4 to investors - an AI-driven system that exploits fear in the financial markets and operates at lightning speed to make big returns. The promise is billions, the rich are ready to get richer... but this is not the day Alex and Hugo had planned on. What follows is a fast-paced journey through the worst 24 hours of Alex's life - cutting across reality, memory and paranoid fantasy, forcing him to question everything he sees with his own eyes.
The Fear Index centers on Dr Alex Hoffman, a computer scientist and genius who is ready to make a killing. Alongside his Hedge Fund business partner and best friend, Hugo, he's launching VIXAL-4 to investors - an AI-driven system that exploits fear in the financial markets and operates at lightning speed to make big returns. The promise is billions, the rich are ready to get richer... but this is not the day Alex and Hugo had planned on. What follows is a fast-paced journey through the worst 24 hours of Alex's life - cutting across reality, memory and paranoid fantasy, forcing him to question everything he sees with his own eyes.