The Great
Tony McNamaraSchauspieler:
Elle Fanning, Nicholas Hoult, Phoebe Fox, Gwilym Lee, Sacha Dhawan, Charity Wakefield, Adam Godley, Belinda Bromilow, Bayo Gbadamosi, Sebastian De Souza, Douglas Hodge„The Great“ zeigt auf unorthodoxe Weise den Weg von Katharina der Großen (Elle Fanning) zur Macht im Russland des 18. Jahrhunderts. Nicholas Hoult ist als Zar Peter zu sehen. Katharina war eine deutsche Adlige, die als Teenager mit dem russischen Thronfolger verheiratet wurde. Allerdings wurde schnell klar, dass die beiden keine harmonische Beziehung haben würden. Kurz, nachdem ihr Mann den Thron geerbt hatte, erwies er sich als unbliebt genug, so dass Katharina mit knapp über 30 Jahren einen Putsch gegen ihn anführen und sich später zu Kaiserin krönen konnte – eine Rolle, die sie mehr als 30 Jahre lang ausführte.
The Great is a satirical, comedic drama about the rise of Catherine the Great from outsider to the longest reigning female ruler in Russia's history. A fictionalized, fun and anachronistic story of an idealistic, romantic young girl, who arrives in Russia for an arranged marriage to the mercurial Emperor Peter. Hoping for love and sunshine, she finds instead a dangerous, depraved, backward world that she resolves to change. All she has to do is kill her husband, beat the church, baffle the military and get the court onside. A very modern story about the past which encompasses the many roles she played over her lifetime as lover, teacher, ruler, friend, and fighter.
The Great is a satirical, comedic drama about the rise of Catherine the Great from outsider to the longest reigning female ruler in Russia's history. A fictionalized, fun and anachronistic story of an idealistic, romantic young girl, who arrives in Russia for an arranged marriage to the mercurial Emperor Peter. Hoping for love and sunshine, she finds instead a dangerous, depraved, backward world that she resolves to change. All she has to do is kill her husband, beat the church, baffle the military and get the court onside. A very modern story about the past which encompasses the many roles she played over her lifetime as lover, teacher, ruler, friend, and fighter.