The Head
Alex Pastor, David PastorSchauspieler:
John Lynch, Alexandre Willaume, Laura Bach, Katherine O'Donnelly, Álvaro Morte, Richard Sammel, Tomohisa Yamashita, Chris Reilly, Tom LawrenceAm Südpol ist der Winter angebrochen und die Sonne wird bald für die nächsten sechs Monate verschwinden. Ein kleines Team von Wissenschaftlern unter der Leitung des renommierten Biologen Arthur Wilde (John Lynch) wird in der Forschungsstation Polaris VI bleiben. Ihre innovative Forschung ist entscheidend im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel. Doch als der Frühling kommt und Johan Berg (Alexander Willaume) wieder die Teamleitung übernehmen soll, ist der Großteil der Gruppe tot oder verschwunden. Ein Mörder treibt sein Unwesen und auch Johans Frau Annika (Laura Bach) gehört zu den Vermissten. Bei seiner Suche hofft er auf die Hilfe der traumatisierten jungen Ärztin Maggie (Katherine O’Donnelly), die einzige Überlebende der Gruppe.
Winter has fallen on the South Pole. The sun will soon disappear for the next six months. A small team of scientists, known as the Winterers, will remain at the Polaris VI Antarctic Research Station to continue their innovative research. Their work is crucial in the fight against climate change and they are under the command of renowned biologist Arthur Wilde. But when spring comes, summer commander Johan Berg returns to the station only to find most of the team dead or missing. A killer is on the loose and Annika, Johan's wife, is missing too. If he wants to find her alive, he will have to trust Maggie, the young doctor who is profoundly shaken and apparently the sole survivor from the group… or, is there someone else who survived?
Winter has fallen on the South Pole. The sun will soon disappear for the next six months. A small team of scientists, known as the Winterers, will remain at the Polaris VI Antarctic Research Station to continue their innovative research. Their work is crucial in the fight against climate change and they are under the command of renowned biologist Arthur Wilde. But when spring comes, summer commander Johan Berg returns to the station only to find most of the team dead or missing. A killer is on the loose and Annika, Johan's wife, is missing too. If he wants to find her alive, he will have to trust Maggie, the young doctor who is profoundly shaken and apparently the sole survivor from the group… or, is there someone else who survived?