The Last O.G.
Jordan Peele, John CarcieriSchauspieler:
Taylor Mosby, Ryan Gaul, Cedric the Entertainer, Allen Maldonado, Tracy Morgan, Dante Hoagland, Tiffany HaddishDie Comedyserie „The Last O.G.“ stammt von Jordan Peele und John Carcieri. Im Zentrum steht Tracy (Tracy Morgan), der wegen guter Führung nach 15 Jahren aus dem Gefängnis entlassen wird und schockiert davon ist, wie sehr sich seine Heimat Brooklyn während seiner Abwesenheit verändert hat. Doch nicht nur das, als er in seine Nachbarschaft zurückkehrt, muss er feststellen, dass seine Exfreundin einen freundlichen und erfolgreichen weißen Mann geheiratet hat, der seine beiden Zwillingssöhne aufzieht, von denen Tracy bisher nichts wusste. Er wünscht sich nichts mehr, als seine Kinder kennenzulernen, hat aber weder Geld um sie oder sich selbst über die Runden zu bringen. So verfällt Tracy seinem alten Laster und setzt seine neuen im Knast erlernten Fähigkeiten ein, um Geld zu verdienen.
In The Last O.G., after being released on good behavior from a 15-year prison stint, Tracy is shocked to see just how much the world has changed in his absence. Returning to his newly gentrified Brooklyn neighborhood, Tracy discovers that his former girlfriend has married an affable, successful white man, who is helping raise his twin sons he never knew existed. Wanting nothing more than to connect with his kids, but having neither the money to support them nor himself, Tracy falls back on the skills he learned in prison to make ends meet while treading on unfamiliar territory.
In The Last O.G., after being released on good behavior from a 15-year prison stint, Tracy is shocked to see just how much the world has changed in his absence. Returning to his newly gentrified Brooklyn neighborhood, Tracy discovers that his former girlfriend has married an affable, successful white man, who is helping raise his twin sons he never knew existed. Wanting nothing more than to connect with his kids, but having neither the money to support them nor himself, Tracy falls back on the skills he learned in prison to make ends meet while treading on unfamiliar territory.