The Looming Tower
Dan Futterman, Alex Gibney, Lawrence WrightSchauspieler:
Ella Rae Peck, Michael Stuhlbarg, Virginia Kull, Bill Camp, Jeff Daniels, Louis Cancelmi, Tahar Rahim, Sullivan Jones, Peter Sarsgaard, Wrenn SchmidtDie Dramaserie „The Looming Tower“ beschäftigt sich mit der Zeit vor den Angriffen auf New York am 11. September 2001. Jeff Daniels spielt darin John O'Neill, einen verbissenen Antiterrorspezialisten des FBI, der davon überzeugt ist, dass Al-Qaida einen Anschlag plant, mit seinen Warnungen allerdings auf taube Ohren stößt, besonders bei der antagonistischen CIA.
„The Looming Tower“ basiert auf Lawrence Wrights ausgezeichnetem Buch „The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11“. Das Drehbuch steuert Dan Futterman („Capote“, „Foxcatcher“) bei, während Alex Gibney („Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief“) die Produktion von Legendary Television inszenieren wird.
Based on the Pulitzer-Prize winning book, The Looming Tower traces the rising threat of Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda in the late 1990s and how the rivalry between the FBI and CIA during that time may have inadvertently set the path for the tragedy of 9/11. The series follows members of the I-49 Squad in New York and Alec Station in Washington, D.C., the counter-terrorism divisions of the FBI and CIA, respectively, as they travel the world fighting for ownership of information while seemingly working toward the same goal - trying to prevent an imminent attack on U.S. soil.
Based on the Pulitzer-Prize winning book, The Looming Tower traces the rising threat of Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda in the late 1990s and how the rivalry between the FBI and CIA during that time may have inadvertently set the path for the tragedy of 9/11. The series follows members of the I-49 Squad in New York and Alec Station in Washington, D.C., the counter-terrorism divisions of the FBI and CIA, respectively, as they travel the world fighting for ownership of information while seemingly working toward the same goal - trying to prevent an imminent attack on U.S. soil.