The New Nurses - Die Schwesternschule
Asta August, Morten Hee Andersen, Molly Blixt Egelind, Jens Jørn Spottag, Katrine Greis-Rosenthal, Anette Støvelbæk, Benedikte HansenDänemark in den 1950er Jahren: Aufgrund des Mangels an ausgebildetem Fachpersonal werden nun auch Männer als „Krankenschwestern“, sprich Krankenpflegern, ausgebildet. Die ersten Pioniere auf diesem Gebiet sehen sich einer ganzen Reihe von Problemen gegenüber: von festgefahrenen Strukturen bis zu sexistischen Vorurteilen.
Love, sickness, health and exam anxiety at a Danish hospital in the 50s. Erik and Anna are among the first to be accepted into a nursing school with men and women being trained together. Due to a lack of trained nurses, the Danish government decides, on a trial basis, that it is socially acceptable for a man to work as a nurse. It is not easy for the men to be accepted as nurses in an working environment with old-fashioned hierarchies and strict disciplinary work ethics.
Love, sickness, health and exam anxiety at a Danish hospital in the 50s. Erik and Anna are among the first to be accepted into a nursing school with men and women being trained together. Due to a lack of trained nurses, the Danish government decides, on a trial basis, that it is socially acceptable for a man to work as a nurse. It is not easy for the men to be accepted as nurses in an working environment with old-fashioned hierarchies and strict disciplinary work ethics.