The Pembrokeshire Murders
Nick StevensSchauspieler:
Luke Evans, Keith Allen, Alexandria Riley, Caroline Berry, Oliver Ryan, David Fynn, Charles Dale, Anastasia Hille, Owen TealeIn "Die Pembrokeshire-Morde" dreht sich die Geschichte um zwei ungelöste Doppelmorde aus den 1980er Jahren. Im Jahr 2006 beschließt der frisch beförderte Detective Superintendent Steve Wilkins, beide Fälle wieder aufzunehmen. Mit bahnbrechenden forensischen Methoden fanden Wilkins und sein Team mikroskopische DNA und Fasern, die die Morde möglicherweise mit einer Reihe von Einbrüchen in den 80er und 90er Jahren in Verbindung brachten. Der Täter dieser Einbrüche stand kurz vor dem Ende seiner Haftstrafe, aber wenn Steve Wilkins Recht hatte, war er auch ein Serienmörder. Können Steve und sein Team genügend forensische Beweise finden, um den Verdächtigen anzuklagen, bevor er entlassen wird, um möglicherweise erneut zu töten?
In The Pembrokeshire Murders, the story centers around two unsolved double murders from the 1980s. In 2006, newly promoted Detective Superintendent Steve Wilkins decided to reopen both cases. Employing pioneering forensic methods, Wilkins and his team found microscopic DNA and fibres that potentially linked the murders to a string of burglaries committed in the 80s and 90s. The perpetrator of those robberies was nearing the end of his prison sentence, but if Steve Wilkins was right, he was also a serial killer. Could Steve and his team find enough forensic evidence to charge their suspect before he was released to potentially kill again?
In The Pembrokeshire Murders, the story centers around two unsolved double murders from the 1980s. In 2006, newly promoted Detective Superintendent Steve Wilkins decided to reopen both cases. Employing pioneering forensic methods, Wilkins and his team found microscopic DNA and fibres that potentially linked the murders to a string of burglaries committed in the 80s and 90s. The perpetrator of those robberies was nearing the end of his prison sentence, but if Steve Wilkins was right, he was also a serial killer. Could Steve and his team find enough forensic evidence to charge their suspect before he was released to potentially kill again?