The Pleasure Principle - Geometrie des Todes
Dariusz JabłońskiSchauspieler:
Małgorzata Buczkowska, Karel Roden, Сергей Стрельников, Robert Gonera, Dawid Czupryński, Mirosław BakaIn den drei osteuropäischen Städten Odessa, Warschau und Prag werden drei junge Frauen ermordet, die alle die gleichen brutalen Gewaltspuren aufweisen. Die Ermittler vermuten, dass die drei Morde miteinander in Verbindung stehen. Doch die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Kommissaren, dem ukrainischen Polizisten Serhij Franko, der polnischen Kriminalpolizistin Maria Sokolowska und dem tschechischen Kriminaldetektiv Viktor Seifert gestaltet sich kompliziert, da alle drei auch mit persönlichen Problemen zu kämpfen haben. Dennoch erkennen sie bald, dass sie es mit einem geistesgestörten Serienmörder zu tun haben, der auf internationaler Ebene operiert. Die Spur führt zu zwielichtigen Geschäftsleuten, ihren Anwälten, korrupten Politikern und Berufskillern. Aber was verbindet Odessa, Warschau und Prag?
In three cities with a glorious past, Odessa, Warsaw and Prague, three young women are murdered. Within days, their bodies are found, each showing the same brutal sings of violence. One thing is clear: they are obviously connected. The three separate police departments' investigations soon find a way into each other's back yards and start working the cases together. The lead detectives have to balance their own personal issues. Ukrainian militia captain Serhij has a troubled past, the Polish superintendant Maria fights for her position in a male-dominated police department and the experienced Czech detective Viktor has to put off early retirement. But they are dealing with a deranged serial killer operating on an international level. Soon, they realize that all the victims were aspiring models and actresses. Does the murderer hunt his prey in the entertainment industry? The trail leads to shady businessmen, their lawyers, corrupt politicians, and professional killers… but what connects Odessa, Warsaw and Prague?
In three cities with a glorious past, Odessa, Warsaw and Prague, three young women are murdered. Within days, their bodies are found, each showing the same brutal sings of violence. One thing is clear: they are obviously connected. The three separate police departments' investigations soon find a way into each other's back yards and start working the cases together. The lead detectives have to balance their own personal issues. Ukrainian militia captain Serhij has a troubled past, the Polish superintendant Maria fights for her position in a male-dominated police department and the experienced Czech detective Viktor has to put off early retirement. But they are dealing with a deranged serial killer operating on an international level. Soon, they realize that all the victims were aspiring models and actresses. Does the murderer hunt his prey in the entertainment industry? The trail leads to shady businessmen, their lawyers, corrupt politicians, and professional killers… but what connects Odessa, Warsaw and Prague?