The Walking Dead: World Beyond
Scott M. Gimple, Matthew NegreteSchauspieler:
Julia Ormond, Aliyah Royale, Alexa Mansour, Annet Mahendru, Nicolas Cantu, Hal Cumpston, Nico TortorellaThe Walking Dead: World Beyond spielt zehn Jahre nach dem Beginn der Zombieapokalypse und wurde von Franchise-Chef Scott M. Gimple und dessen „TWD“-Kollegen Matt Negrete kreiert. Im Zentrum stehen zwei junge Überlebende, gespielt von Alexa Mansour (The Resident) und Aliyah Royale (The Red Line). Es geht also um die erste Generation, die keine andere Welt kennt als die Welt des Weltuntergangs. „Manche von ihnen werden Helden. Manche von ihnen werden Schurken. Am Ende werden aber alle nachhaltig geprägt“, heißt es in der Serienbeschreibung.
The Walking Dead: World Beyond expands the universe of The Walking Dead, delving into a new mythology and story that follows the first generation raised in a surviving civilization of the post-apocalyptic world. Two sisters along with two friends leave a place of safety and comfort to brave dangers, known and unknown, living and undead on an important quest. Pursued by those who wish to protect them and those who wish to harm them, a tale of growing up and transformation unfurls across dangerous terrain, challenging everything they know about the world, themselves and each other. Some will become heroes. Some will become villains. But all of them will find the truths they seek.
The Walking Dead: World Beyond expands the universe of The Walking Dead, delving into a new mythology and story that follows the first generation raised in a surviving civilization of the post-apocalyptic world. Two sisters along with two friends leave a place of safety and comfort to brave dangers, known and unknown, living and undead on an important quest. Pursued by those who wish to protect them and those who wish to harm them, a tale of growing up and transformation unfurls across dangerous terrain, challenging everything they know about the world, themselves and each other. Some will become heroes. Some will become villains. But all of them will find the truths they seek.