The West Wing
Aaron SorkinSchauspieler:
Martin Sheen, John Spencer, Allison Janney, Bradley Whitford, Janel Moloney, Richard Schiff, Dulé Hill, Rob Lowe, Joshua Malina, Stockard Channing, Mary McCormack, Jimmy Smits, Kristin Chenoweth, Alan Alda, Elisabeth Moss, Moira KellyUS-Präsident Jed Bartlet (Martin Sheen) ist zu Beginn der ersten Staffel seit einigen Monaten im Amt. Der Akademiker aus New Hampshire, wo er zuvor Gouverneur war, ist Nobelpreisträger im Bereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften, verheiratet mit der Ärztin Abigail (Stockard Channing) und Vater dreier Töchter. Die Serie beschreibt den hektischen Arbeitsalltag im Westflügel des Weißen Hauses. Neben dem Präsidenten selbst werden auch seine Mitarbeiter stark beansprucht - der Stabschef Leo McGarry (John Spencer), dessen Stellvertreter Josh Lyman (Bradley Whitford), Joshs Assistentin Donna Moss (Janel Moloney), Pressesprecherin C. J. Cregg (Allison Janney), Communications Director Toby Ziegler (Richard Schiff), dessen Stellvertreter Sam Seaborn (Rob Lowe), der persönliche Assistent des Präsidenten Charlie Young (Dulé Hill) und viele andere mehr.
The entire White House staff bristles with activity when it's learned that the President injured himself during a bicycle accident, and his absence becomes a factor as chief of staff Leo McGarry must juggle a host of impending crises, including a mass boatlift of Cuban refugees approaching the Florida coast and the reaction of conservative Christians to a controversial televised comment by deputy chief of staff Josh Lyman.
The entire White House staff bristles with activity when it's learned that the President injured himself during a bicycle accident, and his absence becomes a factor as chief of staff Leo McGarry must juggle a host of impending crises, including a mass boatlift of Cuban refugees approaching the Florida coast and the reaction of conservative Christians to a controversial televised comment by deputy chief of staff Josh Lyman.