The Wire
David SimonSchauspieler:
Lance Reddick, Sonja Sohn, Dominic West, Clarke Peters, Domenick Lombardozzi, Wendell Pierce, Seth Gilliam, Jim True-Frost, John Doman, Deirdre Lovejoy, Michael K. Williams, Andre Royo, Frankie Faison, Idris Elba, Aidan Gillen, J.D. WilliamsDie innovative Krimiserie "The Wire" zeichnet den Konflikt zwischen Gesetzeshütern und Kriminellen in der Ostküsten-Metropole Baltimore nach.
Dabei macht "The Wire" vieles anders als andere Crime-Formate; und gerade darin liegt der Erfolg des Formats begründet, das vom "Time Magazine" 2002 zur besten TV-Serie der Saison gekürt wurde. "The Wire" lässt sich Zeit für die Entfaltung seiner Geschichte und legt höchsten Wert auf eine überzeugende Charakterzeichnung und die realistische Schilderung der Ursachen von Kriminalität. Hier zeigt sich die Erfahrung von Produzent und Autor David Simon, der selbst lange Jahre als Polizeireporter gearbeitet hat. Das Ergebnis ist ein bedrückend plausibler Kommentar zum Zustand der amerikanischen Gesellschaft und ihrer Institutionen, der weit entfernt ist von simpler Schwarz-Weiß-Malerei. Getragen wird die Handlung von "The Wire" von einem herausragenden Ensemble von Charakterdarstellern wie Dominic West als frustrierter Detective McNulty, Clarke Peters als findiger Ermittler Lester Freamon oder Larry Gilliard Jr. in der Rolle des von Gewissensbissen geplagten Drogenhändlers D'Angelo Barksdale.
The first season of The Wire (2002) concentrated on the often-futile efforts of police to infiltrate a West Baltimore drug ring headed by Avon Barksdale and his lieutenant, Stringer Bell. In Seasons Two and Three, as the Barksdale investigation escalated, new storylines involving pressures on the working class and the city's political leadership were introduced. Season Four focused on the stories of several young boys in the public school system, struggling with problems at home and the lure of the corner - set against the rise of a new drug empire in West Baltimore and a new Mayor in City Hall. The fifth and final season of The Wire centers on the media's role in addressing - or failing to address - the fundamental political, economic and social realities depicted over the course of the series, while also resolving storylines of the numerous characters woven throughout the narrative arc of the show.
The first season of The Wire (2002) concentrated on the often-futile efforts of police to infiltrate a West Baltimore drug ring headed by Avon Barksdale and his lieutenant, Stringer Bell. In Seasons Two and Three, as the Barksdale investigation escalated, new storylines involving pressures on the working class and the city's political leadership were introduced. Season Four focused on the stories of several young boys in the public school system, struggling with problems at home and the lure of the corner - set against the rise of a new drug empire in West Baltimore and a new Mayor in City Hall. The fifth and final season of The Wire centers on the media's role in addressing - or failing to address - the fundamental political, economic and social realities depicted over the course of the series, while also resolving storylines of the numerous characters woven throughout the narrative arc of the show.