Those Who Kill
Glen MorganSchauspieler:
Chloë Sevigny, Omid Abtahi, Bruce Davison, James D'Arcy, James Morrison, Kerry O'MalleyDie US-Serie „Those Who Kill“ des Senders A&E dreht sich ganz um Serienmörder. Wenn Mörder nicht die üblichen Motive und Verhaltensmuster an den Tag legen, braucht es einen ganz speziellen Ermittler, um ihn zu schnappen. Jemanden, der die dunkle Seite und die Fantasien des Killers kennt und versteht. Jemanden wie die zwei Hauptfiguren - eine Kriminalpolizistin, die ihre mysteriöse persönliche Verbindung mit Serienmördern zu verstehen versucht, und ein Profiler (forensischer Psychologe), die beide auf ihre Art eine Verbindung zu den Opfern und zu den Tätern selbst haben. Diese treibt sie dazu an, jeden Fall bis zum Ende zu verfolgen.
„Those Who Kill“ ist ein Remake der dänischen Serie „Den som dræber“ (2011), die in Deutschland als "Nordlicht - Mörder ohne Reue" bei ZDFneo und ZDF ausgestrahlt wurde.
Those Who Kill is a Danish format based on the bestselling work of author Elsebeth Egholm. A&E has secured the U.S. format for the critically acclaimed crime series in Denmark. The series is about violent criminals who are surrounded by fear and mystique- the serial killer. When murders are not grounded in traditional motives and patterns of behavior, it takes a very particular kind of person to catch the serial killer; someone who knows and understands the killer's dark side and the fantasies that plague him. Someone like the two lead characters- a police detective that is trying to understand her own mysterious personal connection in to the mind of a serial killer, and a "profiler" (forensic psychiatrist), who both in very different ways possess a deep psychological understanding that connects them to the killer's victims and to the killer himself, driving them to pursue each case to the end of the line, again and again.
Those Who Kill is a Danish format based on the bestselling work of author Elsebeth Egholm. A&E has secured the U.S. format for the critically acclaimed crime series in Denmark. The series is about violent criminals who are surrounded by fear and mystique- the serial killer. When murders are not grounded in traditional motives and patterns of behavior, it takes a very particular kind of person to catch the serial killer; someone who knows and understands the killer's dark side and the fantasies that plague him. Someone like the two lead characters- a police detective that is trying to understand her own mysterious personal connection in to the mind of a serial killer, and a "profiler" (forensic psychiatrist), who both in very different ways possess a deep psychological understanding that connects them to the killer's victims and to the killer himself, driving them to pursue each case to the end of the line, again and again.