Tod und Nachtigallen
Allan CubittSchauspieler:
Ann Skelly, Jamie Dornan, Matthew RhysDas britische Liebesdrama „Death and Nightingales“ spielt in der Landschaft von Fermanagh im Jahr 1885 und stellt Beth Winters ins Zentrum, deren 23. Geburtstag zum Schicksalstag wird. Sie hat beschlossen, mit dem charmanten Liam Ward aus ihrem öden Leben auszubrechen und sich von ihrem schwierigen Stiefvater Billy loszueisen. Doch ihr Abenteuer wird Folgen haben – nicht nur für die Familien beider Protagonisten, sondern auch für die ganze Nation.
Based on Eugene McCabe's modern Irish classic, Death and Nightingales is a riveting story of love, betrayal, deception and revenge, set in the beautiful haunting countryside of Fermanagh in 1885. A place where neighbours observe each other and inform, a world of spies, confessions and double dealing; where a pervading sense of beauty is shot through with menace and impending doom.Set over a desperately tense 24-hour period, it's Beth Winters' 25th birthday - the day she has decided to join the charming Liam Ward and escape from her limited life and difficult and complex relationship with her Protestant landowner stepfather Billy. As decades of pain and betrayal finally build to a devastating climax, Death and Nightingales is a powerful and gripping drama that follows a woman struggling to control her own destiny and will illuminate tensions that tear both families and nations apart.
Based on Eugene McCabe's modern Irish classic, Death and Nightingales is a riveting story of love, betrayal, deception and revenge, set in the beautiful haunting countryside of Fermanagh in 1885. A place where neighbours observe each other and inform, a world of spies, confessions and double dealing; where a pervading sense of beauty is shot through with menace and impending doom.Set over a desperately tense 24-hour period, it's Beth Winters' 25th birthday - the day she has decided to join the charming Liam Ward and escape from her limited life and difficult and complex relationship with her Protestant landowner stepfather Billy. As decades of pain and betrayal finally build to a devastating climax, Death and Nightingales is a powerful and gripping drama that follows a woman struggling to control her own destiny and will illuminate tensions that tear both families and nations apart.