Toni, männlich, Hebamme
Leo Reisinger, Wolke Hegenbarth, Frederic Linkemann, August ZirnerToni (Leo Reisinger) liebt seinen Job als Entbindungspfleger über alles, jedoch hat er es als männliche Hebamme nicht immer einfach. Als Toni seine Stelle verliert, erscheint das Angebot der Frauenärztin Luise (Wolke Hegenbarth) verlockend, ihn in ihre Praxis zu integrieren. Allerdings gibt es da einen Haken, von dem Luise gar nichts ahnt: Toni und Luise hatten vor einiger Zeit eine folgenschwere Begegnung beim Hebammen-Maskenball.
From a secure job to self-employment: Toni Hasler is Munich's only male midwife—a "lone wolf" in an absolute women's domain. After losing his clinic job, Toni, freshly divorced and in his late thirties, feels like he has his back to the wall. However, thanks to his mentor, gynaecologist Dr. Luise Fuchs, he finds a new job. Soon, Toni struggles to work with the stubborn doctor and interferces in the conflict of an undiscovered pregnant patient and underestimates the criminal potential of his teenage daughter. As Toni's life threatens to fall apart and he feels like giving up, Luise is by his side.
From a secure job to self-employment: Toni Hasler is Munich's only male midwife—a "lone wolf" in an absolute women's domain. After losing his clinic job, Toni, freshly divorced and in his late thirties, feels like he has his back to the wall. However, thanks to his mentor, gynaecologist Dr. Luise Fuchs, he finds a new job. Soon, Toni struggles to work with the stubborn doctor and interferces in the conflict of an undiscovered pregnant patient and underestimates the criminal potential of his teenage daughter. As Toni's life threatens to fall apart and he feels like giving up, Luise is by his side.