Too Close - Fürchte deine Nächste
Clara SalamanSchauspieler:
Emily Watson, Denise Gough, Thalissa TeixeiraDie forensische Psychiaterin Dr. Emma Robertson (Emily Watson) hat den Fall von Connie Mortensen (Denise Gough) übertragen bekommen: Die ist eines niederträchtigen Verbrechens angeklagt, behauptet aber, sich nicht an die entsprechenden Vorkommnisse erinnern zu können. Während Emma im Zuge des anstehenden Verfahrens eine Beurteilung über Connie erstellen sollen, kommen sich die Frauen nahe – zu nahe: Connie gelingt es, Emmas tiefste Unsicherheiten zu erkennen, und dies Wissen gegen die Psychiaterin zu benutzen.
Während die Psychiaterin versucht, Connie und ihre Handlungen zu verstehen, entwickelt sich eine Wechselbeziehung. Was verbindet Connie mit ihrer Freundin Ness Jones (Thalissa Teixeira) – Emma vermutet, das hier die Ursache liegt, die Connie die ihr vorgeworfene Tat ausführen ließ. Während es Emma um wahre Gerechtigkeit geht, wird die Auseinandersetzung mit Connie für sie selbst gefährlich.
Dedicated forensic psychiatrist, Dr Emma Robinson is not easily shocked. She's worked with her fair share of high security patients. Then she's sent to assess Connie for trial. Connie has a searing insight into Emma's deepest insecurities and starts to brutally exploit them. Their sessions become a complex psychological game with confusing undercurrents. Can Emma find out what happened on the night of the crime? Or what happened to turn Connie into a monster? She tries to understand Connie, and her complicated relationship with her beautiful best friend, Ness, which seems to have made her snap. But as Emma tries to uncover the truth behind the madness and learn what triggered Connie's despicable behaviour, it seems that her attempts to see justice done may destroy her instead.
Dedicated forensic psychiatrist, Dr Emma Robinson is not easily shocked. She's worked with her fair share of high security patients. Then she's sent to assess Connie for trial. Connie has a searing insight into Emma's deepest insecurities and starts to brutally exploit them. Their sessions become a complex psychological game with confusing undercurrents. Can Emma find out what happened on the night of the crime? Or what happened to turn Connie into a monster? She tries to understand Connie, and her complicated relationship with her beautiful best friend, Ness, which seems to have made her snap. But as Emma tries to uncover the truth behind the madness and learn what triggered Connie's despicable behaviour, it seems that her attempts to see justice done may destroy her instead.