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Brian YorkeySchauspieler:
Derek Luke, Ross Butler, Katherine Langford, Amy Hargreaves, Brandon Flynn, Dylan Minnette, Kate Walsh, Justin Prentice, Christian Navarro, Devin Druid, Alisha Boe, Miles HeizerDie Netflix-Serie „13 Reasons Why“ basiert auf dem gleichnamigen Young-Adult-Roman von Schriftsteller Jay Asher. In der Novelle geht es um Highschool-Schülerin Hannah Baker, die sich mit einer Überdosis Drogen selbst das Leben nimmt. Als Begründung für ihren Suizid verschickte sie vor ihrem Ableben dreizehn Audiokassetten, auf welchen sie darlegt, wie und warum es zu ihrer Entscheidung kam und wer alles dazu beitrug.
13 Reasons Why is based on the New York Times bestselling YA book by Jay Asher, was created by Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award winner Brian Yorkey, who also wrote the pilot. 13 Reasons Why is the story of Hannah Baker, a high schooler who commits suicide. Clay receives a box of tapes from Hannah, his late classmate and crush after she kills herself. On the tapes, which get passed along to other students based on Hannah's instructions, Hannah reveals the 13 reasons why she took her own life.
13 Reasons Why is based on the New York Times bestselling YA book by Jay Asher, was created by Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award winner Brian Yorkey, who also wrote the pilot. 13 Reasons Why is the story of Hannah Baker, a high schooler who commits suicide. Clay receives a box of tapes from Hannah, his late classmate and crush after she kills herself. On the tapes, which get passed along to other students based on Hannah's instructions, Hannah reveals the 13 reasons why she took her own life.