Über die Grenze
Felice GoetzeSchauspieler:
Thomas Sarbacher, Anke Retzlaff, Noémie Kocher, Karmela Shako, Rick OkonIm Mittelpunkt der Krimiserie steht eine deutsch-französische Polizeieinheit unter Leitung von Steffen Herold (Thomas Sarbacher). Zu der Ermittlergruppe, die von Kehl aus arbeitet, gehört mit Leni Herold (Anke Retzlaff) auch die Tochter des erfahrenen Polizisten. Aus Frankreich wurde Yves Kléber (Philippe Caroit) über den Rhein geschickt, um die Einheit zu unterstützen, die in Ausnahmesituationen schnell auf beiden Seiten der Grenze aktiv werden kann. Auch Kléber und den alten Herold verbindet eine langjährige Beziehung, die vor über 20 Jahren begann und damals das Berufliche überschritt.
The focus of the crime series is a Franco-German police unit headed by Steffen Herold. Leni Herold, the daughter of the experienced police officer, also belongs to the group of investigators working from Kehl. From France, Yves Kléber was sent across the Rhine to support the unit, which in exceptional situations can quickly become active on both sides of the border. Kléber and the old herald also have a long-standing relationship that began over 20 years ago and at that time went beyond professional life.
The focus of the crime series is a Franco-German police unit headed by Steffen Herold. Leni Herold, the daughter of the experienced police officer, also belongs to the group of investigators working from Kehl. From France, Yves Kléber was sent across the Rhine to support the unit, which in exceptional situations can quickly become active on both sides of the border. Kléber and the old herald also have a long-standing relationship that began over 20 years ago and at that time went beyond professional life.