Chris TaylorSchauspieler:
Tim Minchin, Milly AlcockDie Dramedy Upright dreht sich um den talentierten aber glücklosen Musiker Lucky Flynn, der seit Jahren kein Wort mit seiner Familie gewechselt hat.
Als er davon erfährt, dass seine Mutter nur noch wenige Tage zu leben hat, macht er sich mit seinem geliebten Wandklavier (ein upright piano) auf den 4.000 km langen Weg quer durch Down Under, um sich zu verabschieden. Dabei läuft ihm die taffe Teenagerin Meg (Milly Alcock) über den Weg, die gleichermaßen Geheimnisse und emotionale Narben mit sich herumschleppt.
Lucky Flynn hasn't spoken to his family in years. He's broke, distant and damaged. He's also a gifted pianist, whose talent for music is matched only by his talent for self-destruction. When he learns that his mother has only days left to live, Lucky sets off in a hire car to drive the 4,000km from Sydney to Perth to say goodbye, taking with him his only cherished possession in the world: a battered and scarred upright piano.But what should have been a straightforward drive across the outback soon becomes a test of Lucky's emotional fitness, when he quite literally runs into Meg, a hilarious, tough-as-nails teenager, who we soon discover has plenty of scars and secrets of her own.
Lucky Flynn hasn't spoken to his family in years. He's broke, distant and damaged. He's also a gifted pianist, whose talent for music is matched only by his talent for self-destruction. When he learns that his mother has only days left to live, Lucky sets off in a hire car to drive the 4,000km from Sydney to Perth to say goodbye, taking with him his only cherished possession in the world: a battered and scarred upright piano.But what should have been a straightforward drive across the outback soon becomes a test of Lucky's emotional fitness, when he quite literally runs into Meg, a hilarious, tough-as-nails teenager, who we soon discover has plenty of scars and secrets of her own.