Thomas Torjussen, Lars Gudmestad, Simen Svale SkogsrudSchauspieler:
Pia Halvorsen, Pål Sverre Hagen, Sven NordinDie norwegische Krimiserie „Valkyrien“ erzählt von dem angesehen Arzt Ravn, der im Untergrund von Oslo eine illegale Klinik betreibt. In einem ehemaligen Bunker der Stadt behandelt er Patienten außerhalb des Gesundheitssystems. Die Klink hat er gemeinsam mit dem korrupten Beamten Leif aufgebaut. Für den Arzt ist dabei vor allem eins wichtig: Die Behandlung für seine todkranke Frau Vilma mit dem Geld aus der Klinik fortsetzen zu können.
Doch als die Grenzen der Moral immer weiter ausgedehnt werden, geraten die beiden Geschäftspartner immer häufiger aneinander. Wie weit wird Ravn gehen, um Vilma zu retten?
Doctor Ravn (Sven Nordin) is a surgeon desperate to find a cure for his dying wife Vilma, played by Norwegian-Swedish actress Pia Halvorsen. The hospital had giveen up on her, so Ravn enters into an alliance with Oslo's underworld and opens a clinic in a disused underground station for those in need, who either have no GP or cannot use public hospitals. Ravn's endeavours both to build a clinic and get patients is made possible by the corrupt Leif (Pål Sverre Valheim Hagen). Convinced that the end of the world is nigh, Leif has widespread access and knowledge of the city's underground shelters and secret passages, as well as a significant network in the Oslo underworld and its black economy.
Doctor Ravn (Sven Nordin) is a surgeon desperate to find a cure for his dying wife Vilma, played by Norwegian-Swedish actress Pia Halvorsen. The hospital had giveen up on her, so Ravn enters into an alliance with Oslo's underworld and opens a clinic in a disused underground station for those in need, who either have no GP or cannot use public hospitals. Ravn's endeavours both to build a clinic and get patients is made possible by the corrupt Leif (Pål Sverre Valheim Hagen). Convinced that the end of the world is nigh, Leif has widespread access and knowledge of the city's underground shelters and secret passages, as well as a significant network in the Oslo underworld and its black economy.