IMDB Rating
Voting: 5.4 /10 (547)
Trailer: YouTube

Villains of Valley View



Chris Peterson, Bryan Moore


Isabella Pappas, Malachi Barton, Reed Horstmann, Kayden Muller-Janssen, James Patrick Stuart, Lucy Davis
Eine Familie aus lauter Superschurken, die vor kurzem mit der Liga der Schurken in Konflikt geraten ist und sich nun in einer texanischen Kleinstadt einen Weg zur Normalität bahnen muss.

At the center of the story is teenage Havoc, who stands up against the leader of all villains, forcing her entire family to change their identities and relocate to a Texas suburb where she now goes by the name Amy. With the help of her effervescent new neighbor Hartley, she must somehow hide her superpowers and quell her villainous nature in favor of something she's fought against all her life — being normal.
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    Villains of Valley View (2022)
    Serien Übersicht - Bitte wähle eine Staffel und Episode

    Mirror 1 | 10.02.2023 - The.Villains.of.Valley.View.S01E01.German.DL.720p.WEB.h264-WvF

    Summary & Details

    Eine Familie aus lauter Superschurken, die vor kurzem mit der Liga der Schurken in Konflikt geraten ist und sich nun in einer texanischen Kleinstadt einen Weg zur Normalität bahnen muss.

    At the center of the story is teenage Havoc, who stands up against the leader of all villains, forcing her entire family to change their identities and relocate to a Texas suburb where she now goes by the name Amy. With the help of her effervescent new neighbor Hartley, she must somehow hide her superpowers and quell her villainous nature in favor of something she's fought against all her life — being normal.

    Also Known As:

    The Villains of Valley View


    ~24 Min.

    Video Stream:


    Audio Stream:



    Bryan Moore, Chris Peterson

