Uli BréeSchauspieler:
Gerti Drassl, Maria Köstlinger, Nina Proll, Gertrud Roll, Adina Vetter, Martina Ebm, Johannes Nussbaum, Juergen Maurer, Simon Schwarz, Bernhard Schir, Xaver Hutter, Lucas GregorowiczDie Serie „Vorstadtweiber“ spielt in der Wiener Vorstadt, wo die bessere Gesellschaft lebt. Im Mittelpunkt stehen fünf Freundinnen, deren Leben bislang aus Shopping bestand. Als eine von ihnen jedoch, weil sie das Kleingedruckte in ihrem Ehevertrag nicht gelesen hat, aus dem mondänen Paradies vertrieben wird, da wird auf einmal allen klar, wie fragil ihre scheinbar sichere Existenz ist. Als ihre zur Korruption neigenden Ehemänner dann auch noch ein großes Geschäft miteinander planen - und dazu die unwissenden Ehefrauen einspannen wollen - da steht die Wiener Vorstadt Kopf.
Five women, whose biggest challenge so far has been surviving their daily hour-long luxus shopping tours burning up their husband's credit cards, are taken by complete surprise when suddenly one of them is divorced by her husband and thrown out of the house. Instantly the remaining BFFs realize that the same could happen to them - and their survival instinct awakens. How convenient that their husbands – all businessmen with a quite strong inclination towards corruption – are planning a big deal using their ignorant wives. What the men don't know is that their wives are setting out to turn the tables. Never would they have suspected that they have unleashed a bunch of beautiful beasts…
Five women, whose biggest challenge so far has been surviving their daily hour-long luxus shopping tours burning up their husband's credit cards, are taken by complete surprise when suddenly one of them is divorced by her husband and thrown out of the house. Instantly the remaining BFFs realize that the same could happen to them - and their survival instinct awakens. How convenient that their husbands – all businessmen with a quite strong inclination towards corruption – are planning a big deal using their ignorant wives. What the men don't know is that their wives are setting out to turn the tables. Never would they have suspected that they have unleashed a bunch of beautiful beasts…